Advanced React Project Structure

As your React application grows, organizing your files and folders in a systematic way becomes crucial. This guide outlines an advanced project structure, helping you manage your application more efficiently.


This is the advanced file structure, most of the folder name are you don't understand but it used in the high level development.

Project Structure

After creating your project, you might see a file structure like this:

my-advanced-app/ ├── node_modules/ ├── public/ │ ├── index.html │ └── favicon.ico ├── src/ │ ├── assets/ │ │ ├── audios/s │ │ ├── videos/ │ │ └── images/ │ ├── auth/ │ │ ├── Login.js │ │ └── Register.js │ ├── components/ │ │ ├── Button.js │ │ └── Navbar.js │ ├── config/ │ │ └── apiConfig.js │ ├── layouts/ │ │ ├── MainLayout.js │ │ └── AdminLayout.js │ ├── helpers/ │ │ └── utils.js │ ├── hooks/ │ │ └── useAuth.js │ ├── middleware/ │ │ └── authMiddleware.js │ ├── pages/ │ │ ├── Home/ │ │ │ └── HomePage.js │ │ ├── About/ │ │ │ └── AboutPage.js │ ├── redux/ │ │ ├── store.js │ │ └── reducers/ │ ├── routes/ │ │ └── AppRoutes.js │ ├── services/ │ │ └── apiService.js │ ├── styles/ │ │ ├── App.css │ │ └── index.css │ ├── App.js │ ├── App.test.js │ ├── index.js │ ├── logo.svg │ ├── reportWebVitals.js │ └── setupTests.js ├── .gitignore ├── package.json ├── └── yarn.lock or package-lock.json

Node Modules

  • node_modules/: Contains all the npm packages that your project depends on.


  • public/: Public folder in a React application is used for storing static assets like HTML, images, and configuration files. Directory containing static assets to be served as-is to the client.
    • index.html: The main HTML file serving as the entry point of the application, where the React app is mounted.
    • favicon.ico: The icon file displayed in the browser tab or bookmark bar, representing the application.


  • src/: Contains the React components and other source code.
    • assets/: Contains various types of static assets.
      • audios/: Directory for audio files.
      • videos/: Directory for video files.
      • images/: Directory for image files.
    • auth/: Contains authentication-related components.
      • Login.js: Component for user login.
      • Register.js: Component for user registration.
    • components/: Contains reusable UI components.
      • Button.js: A button component.
      • Navbar.js: A navigation bar component.
    • config/: Contains configuration files.
      • apiConfig.js: Configuration file for API endpoints and settings.
    • layouts/: Contains layout components that structure the application.
      • MainLayout.js: Layout for the main application.
      • AdminLayout.js: Layout for the admin panel.
    • helpers/: Contains utility functions and helper files.
      • utils.js: Utility functions used across the application.
    • hooks/: Contains custom React hooks.
      • useAuth.js: Custom hook for authentication logic.
    • middleware/: Contains middleware functions.
      • authMiddleware.js: Middleware for handling authentication.
    • pages/: Contains page components for different routes.
      • Home/: Directory for home page components.
        • HomePage.js: The home page component.
      • About/: Directory for about page components.
        • AboutPage.js: The about page component.
    • redux/: Contains Redux-related files for state management.
      • store.js: Configuration of the Redux store.
      • reducers/: Directory for Redux reducers.
    • routes/: Contains routing configuration.
      • AppRoutes.js: Defines the routes for the application.
    • services/: Contains services for making API calls.
      • apiService.js: Service for interacting with APIs.
    • styles/: Contains CSS files for styling.
      • App.css: CSS file for the App component.
      • index.css: CSS file for global styles.
    • App.js: JavaScript file defining the main App component.
    • App.test.js: Test file for testing the App component.
    • index.js: JavaScript file serving as the entry point of the application, where ReactDOM renders the main App component.
    • logo.svg: SVG file, typically used for the logo of the application.
    • reportWebVitals.js: JavaScript file used for reporting web vitals like performance metrics.
    • setupTests.js: JavaScript file for setting up testing environment configurations.

Root Level Files

  • .gitignore: Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore, preventing them from being included in the version control system.
  • package.json: Metadata file for the Node.js project, containing project information, dependencies, scripts, and other configurations.
  • Markdown file providing information about the project, including its purpose, installation instructions, usage, and other relevant details.
  • yarn.lock or package-lock.json: Lock file automatically generated by package managers (Yarn or npm, respectively) to lock dependencies to specific versions, ensuring consistent installs across different machines.

This structure provides a comprehensive guide to organizing your React project, making it easier to scale and maintain. Adapt this structure based on your project's specific needs and complexity.

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